The mission of the Georgia Council on Economic Education (GCEE) is to help teach economics in our public and independent schools, with a vision of students leaving school prepared for their economic roles as workers, consumers, citizens, and lifelong decision-makers in a globally interdependent world.
Stock Market Game:
The Stock Market Game allows students to “trade” on the New York and American Stock Exchanges using imaginary funds in competition with teams from other schools. The game involves a hypothetical $100,000, which is to be invested in a portfolio of common stocks during a 10-week simulation that allows participants, primarily from grades 4 through 12 to test their investing skills. The Stock Market Game is a comprehensive educational tool that provides students with real life skills and experiences in math, computers, reading, finance, and the American economic system. The students think that they are playing a game, but they are really learning economic and financial concepts that they will use for the rest of their lives, which is why the GSA has been a contributor since the Georgia game’s inception in 1980.
Teacher of the Year:
In addition to recognizing the top teams in each school system an in the State of Georgia, we also recognize the teachers of the statewide winning teams. Their reward is a trip to the Teacher’s Workshop conducted by the New York Stock Exchange. In addition to the cash award and plaque from the GSA, the teacher will be profiled ina video produced by the Georgia Power Company, and highlighted in a special insert by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.